A contemporary virtual art space in Secondlife for art exhibitions, sound art, performance art, video art/ Machinima, art talks and other art related events.

Monday, June 6, 2011


 YARN FACTORY ART PROJECTS  is a contemporary virtual art space for art exhibitions, sound art, performance art, video art/ Machinima, art talks and other art related events.

The gallery was located in Tochigi japan sim. But due to RL works and responsibilities I was forced to closed it down since it's not practical for me to maintain the gallery without logging in to SL. 

 Two weeks ago, I learned about the Secondlife 8th Birthday and they were accepting proposals for an art exhibition for the said event. Fortunately, my proposal was selected and in june 5, 2011 I immediately constructed my piece. Because of my "building hungriness " (being away for months and months in sl) I finished the construction for like 7 hours straight lol!

 Then, I've met Gamxor (the land owner in LOKI SIM). He likes my piece in SL8B and asked me if I wanted to put up the gallery in his land. This is a great opportunity for YARN FACTORY ART PROJECTS since it is a NON PROFIT art gallery from the start.

 In my 1st month in sl what i did was gallery hopping all the way but.. (please don't get me wrong) I was very disappointed about the art scene in sl. Most of them are super commercial galleries with full bright wall and the worst are the eyesoring glowing neon gallery walls. This is just my humble opinion and i hope I don't  sound like an arrogant artsy fartsy patron.

I said to my self that I'm going to make  "at least" a decent art space with no full bright wall and checkered flooring also in full bright!  Since then, I forced my self to study building techniques. I have no any knowledge in 3d stuffs since most of my works in RL are paintings, sculpture and some installations.

 I would like to acknowledge Builders Brewery and some Youtube tutorials that helped me how to  learn building in Secondlife and of course to Gamxor for making YARN FACTORY ART PROJECTS back to business.

Main gallery at Loki 


Small signage looks good!

Yarn Factory Van


  1. Congrats on the new sl8th bday plot!
    Ill pop in!

  2. Yay! hey cole how can i send a notice in just art group? I can't figure it out. Seems like I'm not allowed ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ...marvelous work darhling
